A stunning, yet weird physical phenomenon from the last few months was documented by a dedicated team of [OBS] Observe members, fittingly named “Illuminati” after a famous scientist group from ancient earth times. They found out, our universe (at least our part of the universe) is getting brighter. For now it is but a mathmatical deduction, but given their results, it might be within our lifetime, that we see and feel the phenomenon. Feel, because where is light, there is heat. It is without any doubt left, that the cosmic radiation has intensified, over the course of the last few months.
The Leandros system is the first in recent history which is unclaimed albeit being populated and “civilised”. After the great famine [ORCA] was struck by, in the recent years, warlords and rebbelions destabilised the systems planets and cities. Following that Leandros was declared a no-fly-zone. A thermo-nuclear war followed, and is still ongoing, which caused the [ORCA] gonglomerate to entirely seperate themselfes from the system. Leandros is now, what we call a Nill-Sec-System. Nill-Sec is a word from the early days of colonisation within the sector, when newly inhabited systems lacked the infrastructure to establish official security or military zones, therefore being zero security zones – Nill Security. This includes a system wide embargo of jump and spacefaring technology.
After years of guerilla warfare on [WIG] territory, the Sentinel terror organisation may have had a little to much selfesteem. Shortly after CredSec and [WIG] combined started to wage war on the group, Sentinel lost all their grip, falling to their defeat. Most of their bases destroyed, the remnants of what once was the Sentinels are dispersed, scattered and no threat anymore.
After years of probing and research, scientists agree, that Aguez red hyper giant star is on the brink of destruction. The chacnes of the star going nova within the next 10 years would be 87.2%, which is enough for the [ACO]-government to recommend evaquation to its inhabitants.
Observe labs officially announced they found 13 new particle types in the last year, two of which were deemde possible only in theory previously. The most wondrous of them all seems to be a particle called “Cambiarons” which seem to be only chance observable albeit the chance being forced in the Exciton-Graviton field-charger experiment first done by Dr. Hemmnet Passing of the [USNE] MilTec particle weapons division.
[USNE] and [ORCA] fringe conflict forces are considering a joined maneuvre in the fringe belt area. This is the first time the both military forces are engaging in non combatant interaction, since over 17 years.
Following massive government investions in science areas regarding foodproduction, the famine reached turning point. As it seems things are looking brighter for the [ORCA] people.
The Soul Reaper hyper hacker has been seen in the Pope system on planet Leides in the company of a seemingly new compliant in crime, one mr. Casper Ito. Son of computer-systems-genius, Professor Ito from Kabuki. They are both considered extremely dangerous and are not to be trusted.
After Leandros was declared a permanent no-fly-zone, warlords on Diomede plunged the planet into a nuclear conflict on a planetary scale. [ORCA] officials state that even though the situation is an extremely sad human catastrophe, they would not lift the ban, leaving the system to its demise.
Deicus in the Foni system. [NGE] scientist found a completely new species of micro organism that was previously unaccounted for. It is similar to single-cell organisms we know of but with an completely exotic cell element structure. The scientists do not know at this point if the organism poses any threat to humans.
The qualifying operations within the Jisay premisses cause some real chaos in the city, as runner-groups battle for the best jobs and give their best to fullfill them giving a good show. The city growing however is not affected.Â
While Kabuki and especially the undercity area was always home to some degree of occultism and shamanism as well as exotic religious escapades, Jisay is slowly becoming a breeding ground for new weird and horrifying religious directions. Altough almost exclusively peaceful, the things these cults believe and tell their members are worrying and wicked at best.
This picture drawn by some of the cult leaders, shows a deity without name from one of his “visions”. This seems directly from the works of an ancient author with the name of Lovecraft of whoms works some has survived until today as it seems even in religious believes.
After almost two years of building on Jisay it has become known to our sources, that there are a number of weird artefacts orsupposedly “humanoid” remnants in form of ship wrecks or structures on the planet which are rumored to have some troubling properties. A conjoined security force made of Arasaka and government soldiers, are securing the areas until enough data is collected to deem it either to dangerous to leave on the planets surface or leave it free for civil scientist to engage.
It seems New Germania wants back some of its ancient glory, or at least what [NGE] based historians consider ancient german historically correct glory… A citizen votum suggested they would like to implement, gradually the old german language again, as official language of the New Germania territiries. As one might say: Everything was better in the past – or in the words of an ancient german: Führer war alles besser!
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