Testyn Orbitals reactivated

CredSec reactivated Testyn Orbital 1 and 2 as permanent quarters for their assets to assist the migration of [ASO] assets on the planet itself. Seems the old pride of Polyeid is on the rise again.


Voices are getting loud within the fringe belt region. Old voices of a not so old faction. Ex [ASU] elements claim the course [USNE] takes would not be in their best interest with trade being reopened with [ORCA] with the goods provided by many old [ASU] planets. Unfortunately these voices have a great audience in the people of these colonies who, from the begin on had problems (to say the least) with the merge. While many of those got with New Germania most are still spread over the now [USNE] territories. 

Good news from Shiguen

With Hua Doen gone and Shiguen Prime bombed into oblivion, we all lost hope to ever see another ECB championship. BUT the guys from Arasaka, Kiroshi and Nissin, as well as Saigon made it possible. They even told through their direct partner, to turn up the frequency of the tournament to a yearly qualifying event, which culmulates in the finals every 2 years from now on. The new arena is currently being build on Jisay within the Dragon`s Valley and is called the Kabuki Ground Battle Arena or KGB Arena.

Massive hunt

The pirates of the black skull fleet,recently put out a head hunt for a certain ex-[USNE]-officer named Gracy Wilkinson, of THE Wilkinsons of the Wilson group, who recently got attacked by Sentinel forces. Our sources confirmed, that a reward MCr1.000 is put on her head, dead or alive. It is because of this, our experts claim, that the violence against the huge shipyard contractor peaked this last few months. All members of the Wilkinson clan have searched refuge in the famlilies vast network of residencies with external and internal security measures.

Experiments with cosequences

[ORCA] chemists have, as it seem, worked on a pre-boarding ship weapon that shoots cylinders filled with gas into the enemy ship, which then incapacitates the enemy crew. If through miscalculation or sabotage, the experiments went horribly wrong, backfiring on a group of 21 scientists who immideatly went down. This failure cost 3 scientists their life. While the rest of them could be safed and treated accordingly, they will have lasting effects of damaged brain and lung tissue.

[ASO] priest gets freaky

[ASO] priest Bertris Teygojevic was leading a group of teenagers and young adults on a missionary workshop, when unknown spiked the food or drinks with some drugs and played heavy neo techno party music. The group went completely mental on the music. Lucky no one was hurt during that “prank” but an thoroughly investigation is going to follow.

New mines on Naru

Though noone know really what it is, that Trinity does, it seems they are doing something right. They opened a huge mine facility on Naru, which seems to be rich in various nuclear materials, that are easily obtainable. Our insider sources state, they`d be working on a kind of fusion reactor to put out their old partners at Seca Energy. With new energy solutions, we surely are going to be seeing some new developments in the future from the tech giants with Shigueni space. With the latest plans of her majesty, the empress of Shiguen, Trinity might be looking forward to a bright future for their coorperation that, in the past, was laughed off as science fiction lovers and geeks.

Our sources state, that Shiguen empress Yunkosai Jung, plans on having the factions own Dreadnought super warship. Though it is unclear on which platform this new ship will be built, the result will probably be mind boggling. All we know for certain, is that currently a new ship is being developed under the weird working title of “Sun Tzu”, which, as far as we know is an old Japanese combat fotographer.

We will let you know, if we get any new intel on that matter.

Shiguen Dreadnought planned

Careful whisper

Just a few months back, all of Shiguen Federation coorperations were working strictly together and the old fights were forgotten. Not for long it seems, as a new wave of espionage and counterespionage is being observed within the systems in the Cerberus void. Political intrigues are not as dead as we all believed. Albei the companies claim they would still work together for the greater good og the Shigueni people, it seems, now that they deem themselfes in a more secure position, the old hostilities are back.

CredSec for transparency

CredSec scientific officers revealed there has no new tech been found on Edens Notre Dame, but the planet is rendered insecure as the old wreckage had a vast nuclear arsenal which apparently was stored all over the planet. The radioactivity is unhealthily high as of now, but CredSec teams are working tirelessly to restore a clean and untainted environment. In the meantime, CredSec told [ASO] officials to officialy claim Testyn as a hospitable planet in the fringe belt region as reparation for the sudden quarantine on Eden. [ASO] officials agreed and thanked CredSec for their help in the dangerous Eden system.

Nissin CFO Tamiono Ayuzuse-Schulz dead

Just hours after a particular high ranking Nissin officer was rescued due to a planned assassination by Hollows, Nissin CFO Tamiono Ayuzuse-Schulz, called “Gretel” because of her blonde hair and the name of her husband, Hans Schulz, leading engineer with the Rheinland shipyards, was killed in an assassination on Renraku`s Omu. Though imperial rescue and special forces were on site within minutes, all help was to late. Ayuzuse-Schulz was beloved for her witty and tough charisma. A service will be held for the family in the coming days.


The SecNet site has been under attack by supposedly ex [ASU] hackers, spreading misinformation and fake news. The attack is aimed specifically at CredSec. We do not know what the goal of these political terrorists is, nor how they managed to crack our security measures and we are sorry for your in convinience, but we will bring them down as fast as possible.

Careful trade restarting

After a more then brittle peace treaty, [ORCA] and [USNE] are slowly starting to get back together, at least in terms of trade. Though there is still no OFFICIAL peace between the factions, both seem to have understood, that the times require more then one successful faction within the sector, so small trade lines are being reestablished for now, if only for basic goods like food, fuel etc.

Protori regained

The once lively and flourishing cities of Protori Alpha have been reconquered by a huge [USNE] infantry contingent. Though the battle was violent most damages on the surface were already in place. It seems [CSM] forces destroyed everything they could, when it looked like they would loose this one. While searching for survivors, [USNE] intelligence MilTec workers found remnants of disturbing temple-sites and mass graves, which have been used in multiple sacrificial ceremonies.

[CSM] vessels upgrades

[USNE] victories in the southers sector regions revealed yet another worrieing detail about the [CSM] war arsenal. It seems they have, at least, partly integrated many systems, offensive as well as defensive ones in their ship and surface forces which stem from Shigueni research data. Though not entirely unexpected, this will probably change the dynamics in the conflict significantly.

[USNE] welcomes CredSec

Washington. CredSec albeit a foreign faction, is allowed to maintain a headquarter on the planet Hampshire. Thogh Pentagon is still of limits, this is a vastly underappreciated step for the [USNE], which goes to show, that they are in fact not the military dictatorship they once were. 

Shiguen highly successful

While the Shiguen Federation has lost very much everything in the south as well as billions of lives over the course of the last few years, they clearly gained maybe just as much in the process. The north expansion brought several new systems, many with hospitable options as planets as well as some, that can be terraformed. The true success however is Jisay and its first Shiguen Empire city Ryutani, or Dragon`s Valley. It goes to show how able the human race can be, if the need arises.

Pirate activity spiking again

Just a few months after a successful raid on significant pirate assets within the eastern territories of the golden band, pirate activity spikes yet again. Especially in the northern east of the region, vast numbers of different pirate organisations are reportedly going rampage on all major faction traffic.